Hidden Lives Revealed. A virtual archive - children in care 1881-1981 * Image of handwritten text

Case 3303

15. Letter from the Pimlico House-Boys Brigade to the Cornwall Coastguard 13 December 1902

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15th December, 1902

Dear Sir,

re g, Candidate for R.N.
With reference to your letter of the 3rd inst. addressed to the Secretary of the House-Boy Brigade at Pimlico, I now beg to return you the enclosed from, duly filled in as fully was possible, and which I trust may answer your purpose.

Yours faithfully

The Station Officer, Coast Guards.

Overwritten in pencil: copy

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Image of Case 3303 15. Letter from the Pimlico House-Boys Brigade to the Cornwall Coastguard 13 December 1902
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