Hidden Lives Revealed. A virtual archive - children in care 1881-1981 * Image of handwritten text

Case 9627

10. Letter from Mary Mortimer 21 May 1903, copy made 22 May 1903

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Isle of Wight.
May 21. 1903

Re J.
Dear Sir

In reply to your letter asking for more information respecting the little boy J. I enclose a letter from Dr. G which he sent me at the time he filled up the medical certificate for him. I copied part of it & sent it to you when I forwarded medical certificates on May 8. The doctor says he is

Overwritten in red: Copy made 22/5/03 FBI

Original document

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Image of Case 9627 10. Letter from Mary Mortimer  21 May 1903, copy made 22 May 1903
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