Hidden Lives Revealed. A virtual archive - children in care 1881-1981 * Image of handwritten text

Case 9627

25. Copy letter from Revd Edward Rudolf to Mary Mortimer insisting that J. should be removed promptly 14 August 1903

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14th. August 1903.

Dear Madam,
re J.

I was very sorry indeed to learn from Mrs Graham the Honorary Secretary of the Society's Home at Surbiton, that the arrangements made for the removal of the above boy have again been postponed. It is [earnestly] difficult and inconvenient to retain him having regard to his physical condition, and I cannot but regret that it should have again been found necessary to defer his transfer. The boy, from all accounts, is not only quite helpless, but is also mentally deficient, and the strain, therefore, on the staff of the Home is such that I regret I must ask you to be good enough to have him removed without fail on or before Monday next. It is needless to say that I am always very grieved when the Society is obliged to relinquish the care of any child, but the fact unfortunately remains that there must be a certain number of children who are unsuitable for our Homes

Overwritten in pencil: Copy

Original document

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Image of Case 9627 25. Copy letter from Revd Edward Rudolf to Mary Mortimer insisting that J. should be removed promptly  14 August 1903
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