Hidden Lives Revealed. A virtual archive - children in care 1881-1981 * Image of handwritten text

Matron / Master's Room

Master and Matron of Hedgerley Court Farm Home
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The homes were run by a matron (girls' homes) or a master (boys' homes). Sometimes this was a husband and wife team.

If a woman was working as a matron on her own, she would have been an unmarried woman or a widow. She had her own room on the premises of the home. Masters may or may not have been married. If they were married they may have lived in separate accomodation from the home itself.

Staff at the homes did not get much free time or a lot of holidays. Their lives were spent mainly doing their jobs. They were responsible for all aspects of running the home. They prepared a strict timetable and life in the homes revolved around this.


First floor plan

Ground floor plan of virtual children's homeSick roomMatron's roomDormitoriesGo downstairs to ground floorSchool roomBathroomChapel

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