Hidden Lives Revealed. A virtual archive - children in care 1881-1981 * Image of handwritten text


This is a selection of links to other web pages that deal with some of the topics touched on within this website.

Childhood in the 19th century | Children's Homes, Institutions etc. | Poverty in Victorian Britain | General

Childhood in the 19th century

Children in Victorian Britain
Learning packages, including games and worksheets, on the BBC Schools website looking at work, play and school in the lives of Victorian children.

Victorian Toys and Games
A page from the Newtonabbey Online website giving descriptions of how various Victorian toys were used and how games were played. Resources boxes containing the toys can be borrowed from the Newtonabbey Museum and Heritage Service by schools and community groups in the area.

The Ragged School Museum
The Ragged School Museum is in East London, in the buildings which were previously used by Dr Barnardo to house the largest Ragged School in London. It provides visitors with the experience of how Victorian children were taught, and with information about life in the East End in Victorian times.
The website provides information on current exhibitions, activities and publications.

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Children's Homes, Institutions etc.

Rossbret UK Institutions
Provides information on a wide range of institutions set up to help children, the poor and the ill. Includes information on Workhouses, Orphanages, Industrial Schools, Prisons, Asylums, etc. Provides overviews of the Poor Laws, Industrial Schools Acts, and similar legislation.

Connecting Histories - Birmingham Children's Homes
A database of children's homes in Birmingham run by the City Council, created for the Birmingham Children' s Homes Project.

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Poverty in Victorian Britain

Beneath the Surface: A Country of Two Nations
An article by Joanne Pennington on the BBC History website discussing Victorian attitudes towards poverty. Includes references to works on related topics such as the Public Health Acts 1848 - 1875.

Charles Booth Online Archive
A website created by the London School of Economics and Political Science, offering access to archival material relating to Charles Booth, including his famous Poverty Maps of London.

Charles Booth was a Victorian business man and social reformer, who, in the late 19th century, conducted extensive research into working class life. Amongst other things, this resulted in the production of poverty maps, which showed London streets coloured coded to indicate the levels of poverty and wealth of the inhabitants.

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National Archives - Education
The Education section of the National Archives website provides a wide range of learning resources, some of which relate to childhood and poverty in Victorian times.

Exploring 20th Century London - Children
Information relating to children from the Exploring 20th Century London website.

The Army Children Archive
A website dedicated to information on growing up as the child of a serving soldier in the British Army.

Historic Hospital Admission Records Project (HHARP)
HHARP is a collection of resources for people interested in children's health in the 19th and early 20th centuries and provides free access to databases of admissions to four children's hospitals - charting 120,000 admissions to hospitals in London and Glasgow in the period 1852 - 1914. The website also holds a collection of articles on the hospitals and a gallery of images.

If you have found our Homes section interesting you may like to visit Viewfinder: English Heritage's online resource of architectural (and archaeological) images.

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