Case 104. Letter from Miss Clark 12 April 1882View the Case Summary.
a long talk with her & she confesses that her first theft was just after Xmas - that she then stole 1/3 at different times but all in one week from our housemaid who kept her purse in an open drawer & would sometimes send May to fetch it her. That she then stole no more till a month ago when she took a 2/ piece out of the housemaids purse & 2 1/2 later on in the same week. She then took these ribbons &c on different days & a few pence from me. & the climax was this 3/- on Saturday. All the money, except 6d which was lost in a purse was spent in sweets cakes &c & she bought a 6d purse also. 6d she had not spent. It was not that she was