Case 28351. Application to Waifs and Strays' Society 25 May 1891View the Case Summary.
A is 9 years old & is one of four children - two boys and two girls. His father, a stone-mason was killed suddenly by falling off a scaffolding while at work 6 years ago. Soon after his death, the elder son was put into a home by the help of friends. Since then, the mother who has never been strong, has worked hard at mangling to support her three other children; till at the beginning of last year, the eldest girl was placed in a situation. About 3 months ago, Mrs. -- health completely broke down, & the doctors then told her that she was totally unfit to turn the mangle or to do hard work of any kind, and that she would slowly kill herself if she continued to attempt it. It was hoped that if a home could be found for A, Mrs. -- might be enabled to take some light situation, in which she could support herself and her little girl of 6. A's nearest male relation is his uncle, for whom his father worked; he has not been seen for some time by the boy's mother, & she does not know his present address, but he is known to be a poor man with a large family. L (Miss) Overwritten in pencil: S. [?] Rd. Sr.