Hidden Lives Revealed. A virtual archive - children in care 1881-1981 * Image of handwritten text

Case 3303

10. Letter to G's uncle 21 October 1899

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21st October, 1899

re G
Dear Sir,

In sending you the enclosed receipt, I have the pleasure to inform you that your nephew, G, has now been placed in the House Boys Brigade, 183 Ebury street, S.W. where I feel sure he will have every opportunity of doing well. The Society has paid the sum of [35.0.0] an entrance fee on his behalf, and I shall, therefore, be glad if you can see your way to continue, at any rate for a time, the help which you have hitherto given, towards the boys support, especially in view of the heavy outlay that has been incurred by the Society in maintaining the boy, for the last seven years.

Yours truly
Sgd. E de M R.

Overwritten in pencil: [?] to see, copy

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