Hidden Lives Revealed. A virtual archive - children in care 1881-1981 * Image of handwritten text

Case 4249

1. Application to Waifs and Strays' Society 10 April 1894

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Mrs. P. (District Visitor) first visited J. father about 3 1/2 years ago, hearing he was very ill with bronchitis, & when she had been able to procure and Eastbourne Convalescent letter for him, she asked Mrs. of Oldbury Place (who is no relation) if she would take care of J. & F. for 3 weeks, which she kindly consented to do. After that Mrs. T. did not like to send J. back to her father's house, having in the mean time stood Godmother to the child. Mrs. P. then found out that had never been married to J. mother who died when the fourth child was born some few months before Mrs. P. had been asked to visit. He () had a grown up son & a married daughter by the wife to whom he was legally married. Mrs. has kindly kept J. for three years & really acted a mother's part, but now she feels he can no longer keep her, partly on account of her own familys health. As far as Mrs. P. knows there are no relations, for neither the son or daughter of legal wife, would have the child. The daughter did take care of the two youngest while the father was so ill, but since his death Mrs. P. has been told that they & F. have been sent to Dr. Barnardo's Home; Mrs. P. never saw the daughter nor does she know where she lives. When Mrs. P. first visited, he & the grown up son & another man & the 4 children were in two small rooms.

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Image of Case 4249 1. Application to Waifs and Strays' Society  10 April 1894
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