Case 448811. Letter from G's father c. 30 October 1896View the Case Summary.
Wellington Lane Dear Sir I am sorry to say that the foster mother who has my little girl does not seem to know that you arranged for me to hear from her when I write which is about once in 3 weeks. She says once in 3 months ought to be enough and she is to busy to attend to her always. As you kindly told Mr. Clarke I might write once a month I think as I write only once in 2 I ought to be allowed to have a reply as it is the only comfort I have to hear from my children in my loneliness caused by my blindness. The others at Doctor Banadoes are always allowed to write monthly but it seems to much trouble for the woman who G. lives with if so she could perhaps write at school. My wife when she gets off threten to tramp Overwritten in black: ans. 31.10.96.