Hidden Lives Revealed. A virtual archive - children in care 1881-1981 * Image of handwritten text

Case 4488

7. Copy of letter to G's father 29 April 1895

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To Mr. W.


In reply to your letter in wh. you ask that F. may be returned to you, I hope you will allow her to remain in the Home where she is, as she is very comfortable & happy. You must think of her good rather than of [?] pleasure in having her near you. I think you will agree with me in feeling that unfortunately you wd. not be able to look after her properly, & so she might grow up in bad ways, unless she is safe in the care of those who will

Overwritten in black: Copy reply 29 Ap. 95

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Image of Case 4488 7. Copy of letter to G's father 29 April 1895
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