Hidden Lives Revealed. A virtual archive - children in care 1881-1981 * Image of handwritten text

Case 6001

1. Application to the Waifs and Strays' Society 29 April 1897

View the Case Summary.

See form of application for elder sister

I have known the family for upwards of 30 years and the grandfather was at that time a housekeeper in my parish.

I have been in touch with them ever since. The two children appear to be healthy, they are intelligent and of a happy and affectionate disposition. They have been taken charge of by a Mr and Mrs --, labouring people, in no way connected with them ever since last November out of pure kindness without any remuneration whatever, but as their means are scanty they cannot afford to keep them (address at West Hampstead). My impression is that none of the relations care a straw what becomes of the children so that they are exempted from all trouble and responsibility to them.


N - M.A.

Cur in charge of St Katherine Collinas

Fenchurch Street

Original document

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Image of Case 6001 1. Application to the Waifs and Strays' Society  29 April 1897
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