Hidden Lives Revealed. A virtual archive - children in care 1881-1981 * Image of handwritten text

Case 6001

32. Copy letter from Revd Edward Rudolf suggesting J's possible transfer to the Poor Law Guardians 2 June 1909

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O/F.C. 2nd June, 1909.

Dear Mr Davison,

Re J

I duly received your letter of the 25th ultimo, and have given the case of the above lad my careful consideration. In view of his mental and physical condition, and the many trials which he has been given in many homes, during the past few years, I really do not see what more the Society can do for him, and, now that he is in his fifteenth year, the time seems to have arrived when we must endeavour to make some arrangement for his future. Do you think it might be possible to transfer the boy, without much difficulty, to the care of your local Guardians. As he has only been at Sampford Peverell for a period of fourteen months, I do not think he is legally chargeable to your district, and the Guardians should therefore not experience any trouble in passing him over to the proper quarter , which appears to be Dover, the boy having been an inmate of our Home there for over four years. The only relative that I

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Image of Case 6001 32. Copy letter from Revd Edward Rudolf suggesting J's possible transfer to the Poor Law Guardians  2 June 1909
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