Hidden Lives Revealed. A virtual archive - children in care 1881-1981 * Image of handwritten text

Case 6001

55. Copy letter from Revd Edward Rudolf suggesting J. be placed under the care of the Poor Law authorities 21 August 1914

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21st August 1914

Re J

Dear Sir,

In your recent report regarding "Old Boys" it is observed you state that the above-named cannot be placed out owing to mental deficiency. In view of his age (20) it is certainly time that some arrangement be made for his future, but if you really cannot give him a trial in a situation, I fear the only alternative is to endeavour to place him with the local Guardians. I am very sorry indeed to suggest this course, more especially as J has been under our care for so many years, but there seems to b no relative to whom he might be returned, and as he has been nearly four years at Standon he has doubtless acquired a legal settlement there. In any event, he is hardly a case for further voluntary help, and the Society has exhausted the means at its disposal; Also the Poor Law Authorities have the means and power of placing the youth in a special institution. I shall be glad to hear the result of your efforts in due course.

Yours faithfully

The Superintendent

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Image of Case 6001 55. Copy letter from Revd Edward Rudolf suggesting J. be placed under the care of the Poor Law authorities  21 August 1914
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