Case 949827. Letter from the Devizes Union asking if A. still needed maintenance payments as it had been estimated that he should be in work by August 27 October 1910View the Case Summary.
Union Offices. Dear Sir, I am in receipt of the enclosed Account of £2:12:7 for the maintenance of this boy from the 1st July to the 30th September, 1910 and enclosed I send you the Guardians' cheque in payment thereof and shall be glad to have the Account receipted and returned to me. I would, however, refer you to your letter to me of the 25th May last in which you intimated that your Superintendent hoped to place the boy in a situation in August, it was in consequence of that letter my Board resolved to continue the payment for the boy's maintenance until August. I presume there will be no further demand in the case, unless there should be some special reason, when a special application should be made. I am, The Revd E. de M. Rudolf, Stamped in purple: 28 Oct Rec'd