Hidden Lives Revealed. A virtual archive - children in care 1881-1981 * Image of handwritten text

At Work

This section has 20 photographs showing children working in and around the homes.
To see a larger image click on a thumbnail. A pop-up window Link opens in a new window will open. Only one pop-up window can be opened at once.

Ploughing the fields

Ref: 11
Title: Ploughing the fields
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Haymaking with a horse-drawn bail-maker

Ref: 878
Title: Haymaking with a horse-drawn bail-maker
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An ironing room at Fareham

Ref: XX32
Title: An ironing room at Fareham
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Sowing seeds

Ref: 54
Title: Sowing seeds
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Busy in the garden

Ref: 2601
Title: Busy in the garden
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Gardening at St Andrew's

Ref: WS93
Title: Gardening at St Andrew's
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Standon Farm Home

Ref: 15
Title: Standon Farm Home
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A little maid

Ref: 1529
Title: A little maid
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Girls doing domestic chores

Ref: 1531
Title: Girls doing domestic chores
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Girls doing laundry work

Ref: 1533
Title: Girls doing laundry work
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