Hidden Lives Revealed. A virtual archive - children in care 1881-1981 * Image of handwritten text

A Silent Tear

Photograph that inspired this poem or story

Waif girl

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The loneliness and fear inside
A burst of anger coming alive.
The way I watched him slowly die
My life is over, I cannot lie.
Now I'm scared, and all alone
All I can do is cry and moan
No one hear to say
I love you to

Love, what's that?
No one to hug and share a simple kiss.
Just me, all by myself
No sounds but my lonely cries.

No feelings, I'm blank inside
I'm just me feeling, so deprived.
Life is never a simple thing
How could this be happening?

The darkness in my broken heart,
Has become a solid feeling.
It's cold inside with a frozen soul
Does my life have a meaning?

But then it happened,
My life had changed
No cries for help
Only cries of laughter.

They took me in,
I found my home.
A place, where I will never
Be alone.

by a pupil at Crown Woods School

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