Case 327137. Copy of letter from Edward Rudolf to West Sussex County Asylum 23 January 1911View the Case Summary.
23rd January 1911 Dear Sir, Miss G. Scott, of Stagsden House, West Cliff Road, Bournemouth, has forwarded me your letter to her of the 13th inst. regarding the above named girl, who was formerly under the Society's' care. I am very pleased to learn of the improvement in F's condition, and, as regards her proposed discharge from the Asylum. I shall greatly obliged if you will very kindly furnish me with a certificate as to her exact present physical and mental state, together with your opinion as to whether it would be quite safe for the Society to re-admit her into one of its Homes and allow her to mix with other girls. Do you think there is any likelihood of her having a recurrence of her mental trouble, at some future time? I should much like to be able to do something for the poor girl if at all in my power, but you will understand that it is somewhat difficult under the circumstances. Believe me, Yours faithfully The Medical Superintendent, Overwritten in pencil: Copy.