Case 7955. Letter from Rose Fitzgerald describing A's good and faithful service with the same family for ten years April 1899View the Case Summary.
Girls Orphanage Re A The first [?] girl A we received from you the 12 Oct. 86 if you [?] to her case papers you will find a sad story and was placed in a situation Dec. 3rd 1888 with Mr. & Mrs. B they had Wine Offices at Tooting the last address I have is -- Tooting, but although I saw A frequently I am not sure they have not moved since I had that one letter I think you would find them in any case having lived so [many] years in Tooting [?] has been with them over 10 years, and has been told there is a grant of £1 per year for each year of service spent in one household allowed somewhere by someone. I fear there is no foundation for her belief, but told her I would write to you who would probably know if such a thing was given - And in any case would be pleased to know of her long stay - of course she has had her periods of discomfort - who has not. She is Overwritten in brown: ans wrote to the two girls 12.4.99