Hidden Lives Revealed. A virtual archive - children in care 1881-1981 * Image of handwritten text

Case 9627

18. Copy letter from Revd Edward Rudolf mentioning J's removal 21 July 1903

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21st July, 1903.

Dear Madam,
re E.

I have to thank you for your letter, and note that this boy can be sent to St Martin's Home, provided he has not any open wound; I am today writing to those interested to ascertain whether this is the case or not.

re J.
I am very sorry to hear about this poor boy, and will certainly endeavour to make arrangements for his removal with as little delay as possible.

I have already written to the Clerk of the Lewes Union saying that the Home is already more than full, and there are now several cases waiting for vacancies.

re P.
Will you kindly tell Mrs -- that it is against the Society's rules to allow any child to spend holidays with its friends or relatives, so that I am afraid it will not be possible to comply with her request; there is no objection, however, to the boy/

Overwritten in pencil: Copy

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Image of Case 9627 18. Copy letter from Revd Edward Rudolf mentioning J's removal  21 July 1903
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