Case 96271. Application to Waifs and Strays' Society 2 May 1903View the Case Summary.
Broadlands Dear Sir May I bring before you the case of J aged 7 1/2 years, with a strong recommendation to ask for him your kind consideration whether you can admit him to your cripples' home or one of your homes. He is one of 6 children, & his mother's death is of course a great loss to them, as the father has to go out to work, & the girls age 14 & 15 are not old enough to look after him properly. With proper care & treatment we are told that the boy would develop & become able to use his limbs, & [thus] to support himself when he grows up. Remaining at home under present circumstances, he is growing up ignorant & helpless, & I fear there is no help for him there. I believe the father to be a respectable workman, he has been in the employ of Messrs. Snellgrove for some years, but not constant work in slack times. He feels that with his family & the drawback of his wife's illness previous to her death, he is unable to contribute towards this boy's maintenance in a Home. He has had to pay of debts incurred for his wife's illness, & has now a bill of £10 for the doctor for her which he hopes to pay off by instalments. This boy is one of twins. The father signed by mistake where the clergyman should, & Dr. A. has signed by the side. Trusting you will give this case your kind consideration & in hope you may be able to admit him yours faithfully Rev. E. de M. Rudolf