Hidden Lives Revealed. A virtual archive - children in care 1881-1981 * Image of handwritten text

Case 9627

21. Letter from Mary Mortimer requesting that J. be admitted to the Kingston Union 6 August 1903

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Copy of a letter received from Mis E. Mary Mortimer, of Broardlands, Newport, Isle of Wight. dated aug. 6th 1903.

Dear Madam,

Thank you for your kind letter about poor little J., I am sorry he cannot stay at st Martin's longer than Tuesday next. Dr Barnardo has decided that as he is not actually destitute, he is not eligible for his Homes, and the Earlswood Asylum would not admit; both urged it was a case for the Guardians; his case as now been submitted to the Guardians, and will come before their meeting today.

Under these circumstances, we are advised to have placed in the Union at Surbiton or Kingston on Thames, and the expenses will be a matter of arrangement between that Union and the Isle of Wight Union; and it will also save the expense and trouble of bringing him back to the Island to send him away again. The Guardians are now obliged to put such a child in a suitable home. I am sorry that he was not a fit inmate for your Home, Would kindly let your Matron get the order for his admission to Kingston Union, and place him there? I hope this will not trouble you much.

Yours truly
E. Mary Mortimer.

Mrs Graham.

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Image of Case 9627 21. Letter from Mary Mortimer requesting that J. be admitted to the Kingston Union  6 August 1903
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